September 14, 2012

Airports Aren't The Same Without A Little Complaining...

This was easier when I had my best friend Laura to hold hands with and distract each other when we flew to and from Switzerland this summer. In my opinion, the worst part of flying (besides the hell that is getting through the airport) is the 30 or so minutes before take-off, where we have to sit and wait our turn to ascend. Couldn't the flight attendants hand us each a mini bar sized bottle of wine when we board the plane? Now wouldn't that be nice. Instead, during the 30+ minutes of stagnancy I always catch myself thinking about the part in Fight Club where Tyler Durden redesigns the emergency instructions manual. I've never read that manual, to be honest. I figure it was enough to watch the cheesy old school style videos that they used to show. I also would rather just keep that stuff out of my mind while I am already on the plane and there's no turning back. But the wait allows the anxiety to build up. Allows me to start thinking about those images of frightened people pulling on oxygen masks. Trust in the science and physics of it all, I tell myself. I admit that such trust is blind, for I know next to nothing about how planes work, but I'm okay with that for now. They say flying in a plane is safer than driving a car, which I actually don't find hard to believe considering the number of idiots one encounters on the road. In the end, I know that I will arrive safe and sound. Even so, a smooth glass of red wine would hit the spot right now. But I guess I will have plenty of that when I am in the land of Malbec!

I have 10 hours and 45 minutes ahead of me. Not bad... I'm building up my endurance for when I visit my jackarse mates in Australia (this is your official shout out, JustinBiebs, Alex El Guapo, and Sleazy Steve Szalay). Anyway, my anxiety about flying always lifts once the plane is en route, then the excitements builds. Javiera, my host mother, sounds wonderful. We exchanged a few emails, and from what I gather she seems very warm and kind. She sent me a hug and a kiss from her and Maxi, her son. Thinking about the comfort that awaits me helps to calm my nerves. Argentina, here I come!

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